How is the price of my booking calculated?

    The final price of your booking with Diwerent is determined by several factors such as:

    • Initial rental price per night set by the Host of the Property for the nights you book;
    • Discounts set by the Host;
    • Number of nights at the Property booked by all Guests by the end of the listing;
    • Cleaning fee set by the Host;
    • Diwerent’s service fee in the amount of 13% of the initial price of all booked nights booked by you.

    The final booking price is determined at the time when the Listing closes. The discount corresponding to the current discount level is applied to all bookings made within the listing period.  Any difference between the price of the booked nights at the time of booking and the price by the time of closing of the Listing will be returned to you as cashback payment with real money.

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