What safety rules should I follow as a Guest?

    Keep yourself well informed of the Host’s recommendations and familiarize yourself with emergency procedures, escape routes, the location of safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers, alarms, etc.

    Be courteous and follow the rules of the house given by your Host. Make sure you are aware of your responsibilities before you make your booking.

    By using Diwerent for communicating with your Host you ensure that a record is kept which can be used by us to help you resolve arising issues. 

    It is advisable to do some research on the area and ask your Host for information about any safety concerns you might have. Orientate yourself with regard to important landmarks and main roadways, and always plan for the unexpected.

    Let your family and friends know where you are staying and for how long.

    It is well worth considering taking out some form of traveler’s Insurance for the duration of your journey and visit. 

    Stay informed about any travel warnings that may have been issued by your home government and seek advice from the relevant office should you be in any doubt about the advisability of continuing with your journey.

    And above all be a considerate Guest and treat your Host’s property as you would wish Guests to treat yours.

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