Must all children be mentioned when the booking is made?

    Yes, all children and adults must be mentioned in the booking request.

    The terms and rules of the accommodation may vary from property to property. Please check the following Child Definitions:

    • Infants refers to Guests under the age of 2 years at the time of check-in;
    • Children refers to Guests aged 2-12 years at the time of check-in;
    • Adult children refers to Guests aged 12+ who are considered adults.

    Please note that some Hosts count infants and children as adult Guests, but nevertheless you still should indicate any children and infants correctly in your booking request. 

    Please note that some Hosts have specified that their space may not be safe or suitable for children or infants. This means that children and infants should not be brought to the property for safety reasons. In the event of noncompliance of this rule, access to the property may be denied by the Host. Please make sure to check the relevant information in the House Rules section of the Listing. 

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