Can I get a full refund if I cancel my booking?

    Guests may cancel a booking if it has not yet been confirmed by a Host. Once we have received notification of the cancellation of your booking request, you will receive a confirmation accordingly and the funds which were previously authorized as payment on your card, in order to secure a booking, will be unblocked.

    Please note that even after we unblock the funds on your payment card it may still take some time for your bank to process this transaction.

    Once a booking has been confirmed by the Host, it can be cancelled by the Guest, but will no longer be refundable, unless the Guest has made a booking at the initial price and the price has not been changed by the time of closing of the Listing (the end of the Property's offer period, which can be found in the property page). In this case the Guest will have the right to cancel the booking no less than 7 days before check-in but will incur a penalty in the amount of 10% from the price of booked nights for so doing. And for the very first cancellation made within 7 days before the check-in and with no discounts applied there will be no penalty. 

    In either case, Diwerent's service fee will not be refunded. The cleaning fee will be refunded in full if the booking was cancelled before the check-in. 

    Any booking made at a Property that had been discounted, whether before or after the booking, can be cancelled, but the Guest will not be entitled to any refund (except for the cleaning fee).

    Guests who have cancelled their bookings without the right for refund will still be entitled to cashback.

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