What does the number of Guests mean?

    Number of Guests means the maximum number of people who can stay in your Property at the same time. 

    The maximum occupancy is determined by you as a Host and should be indicated on the Listing page.

    Please note that children (2-12 years old) are counted in the total number of people allowable for each property, and you as a Host can decide whether infants should be counted as well. You can also decide on the total number of infants allowed with respect to the total numbers being calculated for property occupancy.

    Once you make a decision of calculation of infants in the total number of Guests, you should indicate so by writing it down in your listing. If applicable, please specify that your property may not be safe or suitable for children or infants. In the event of noncompliance with this rule by the Guests you may at your risk and discretion grant or deny access to the accommodation to such Guests.

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